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Christmas wishlist: Gifts for parents that we've used every day


Welcome to November! As the busy shopping season approaches, I'm going to run down things that we, as new parents have used every day.

They are definitely items that I would give to fellow new parents, and I am eternally thankful to everyone who gave them to us as baby showers almost a year ago.

I will be back in the coming weeks with more gift ideas, as well as ideas on "baby" gifts that are probably better for older children, or at least older babies.

1) Gift cards

It might seem like a copout, but this should be at the top of every young child parent's wishlist. It means that you don't have to budget for diapers, larger clothes when everything is suddenly too small, formula and food, you name it.

The best stores to "gift" are the ones that the parent lives close to or frequents. However, if you are trying to hint that they need to visit you more often, you can always choose a store close to your house.

There's no right amount to give, which means that it's a gift that will fit any budget!

2) Boppy pillow

I have used this every day with nursing and bottle feeding alike, it helped my daughter learn to sit up on her own, and it even helped my sleep during a long van ride.

I had the variety that used slip covers (which are washable!) and new pillows will usually cost around $35, with the covers around $10 each.

3) Crib and changing table

It probably wouldn't matter if they matched or not, but ours do thanks to people following our baby shower registry!

I have changed diapers on my surfaces (emergencies sometimes call for emergency action!) and nothing is better than the changing table. Even if parents don't request one, it is very useful and will stay useful for years of diaper usage!

As for the crib, we didn't use it for most of her first two months at home, but now, it's the only thing she sleeps in at night. If you are handing one down, be sure to check the Internet for recall and safety information for older cribs, especially ones that have drop-sides.

4) Baby swing

This is the gift that single-handedly got us through nights the first two months of her life.

A fast, motorized rocking motion at night got our baby to sleep better than about everything else we tried at night. Here's a few that I recall:
- Bouncing while walking while shushing (while counting the laps just to keep from goin crazy)
- Rocking continuously in our arms
- Pacifiers and swaddling
- Stationary bassinets

If you get any sleep at night, it will be because of a baby swing! Ours (pictured) was about $120, but prices vary.

5) Feeding supplies (and cleaning too!)

Here's where following a baby registry (or just getting gift cards) comes in handy, as parental preferences differ on these items. However, rest assured, bottles will be used and they will need to be cleaned afterward!

Here's what we've used, how we used them, and a price estimate on each:
- Dishwasher basket (for washing pacifiers, plastic toys, and bottles/nipples), about $4

- Baby bottles and nipples (for storing breastmilk and formula, and feeding), about $15 for a set

- Bottle washing wand (perfect for tiny bottles that need extra scrubbing to avoid soap film or remnants of milk/formula), about $4

-Main feeding bottle (something for baby to get used to eating from), $10-$15

6) Pacifiers

They're cheap (usually less than a few dollars each), they're useful (when baby's sucking, baby's not crying!), they're the perfect gift.

They come in a variety of styles, so it might be best to hedge your baby bets by getting more than one type to see what your boy or girl likes best.

7) Gifts that don't cost anything

Here's what I'm talking about:

- Babysitting
- A prepared meal
- Adult company
- Moral support

Parenting is tough, no matter the child's age, so a little bit of time off from the craziness is VERY welcome. 

Showering, clean clothes and a non-fast food meal are all luxuries for full-time parents, especially in the early months. 

More ideas next week! Please leave a comment with ideas of your own!

-- Althea Peterson

Trimesterly tribute: What do you give the expecting mother? Reading material, as it seemed a year ago. We were surprised with several baby books, but not "baby books" as in A is for Apple, B is for Bear, C is for word-that-starts-with-letter-C. Rather, these were books for parents to try to figure out the best ways to prepare for the baby's arrival, the baby's education, the baby's feeding, sleeping, cleaning, wellness, etc. There were also depressing facts, like knowing that your baby won't give you a real smile till about 2 months old.

Mommy moment: I am not going to embarrass any political candidates here. So, without naming names, our household was called after 7 p.m. by certain campaigns. At first, we'd answer just to get the phone to stop ringing (we feared the phone would act as a baby alarm clock) but after awhile, we not only put the phones on "mute," but resolved to NOT vote for that particular candidate as punishment for waking our baby. Is that a good reason to vote for or against a candidate? Maybe not, but seriously, political candidates: DO NOT CALL AFTER 7 P.M. You might be reaching a new baby household.

Baby bit: A few weeks back I bemoaned childishly about our baby being "too happy" to sleep one night. As it turns out, our baby is also too active and too happy to be changed into bed clothes after baby bath, and diaper-changed after diaper explosions. Our baby now automatically tries to roll to her stomach anytime she is on her back, and now (which scares us parents a lot) is trying to stand up by grabbing onto ledges and using her baby-strong muscles to elevate. Baby girl! You are less than 8 months old! ACT YOUR AGE!